The Sanderling Property Owners Association owns and maintains the Sanderling Racquet & Swim Club at 1578 Duck Road which is on the sound side of the road within our community. All SPOA property owners in good standing are Members of SRSC and their annual dues include charges for their SRSC membership. Owners of neighboring properties (SHA, Palmers Island, etc.) may be eligible to become SRSC Members.

The SRSC facility is provided for the use of its Members and is a member-only facility. SRSC Members may use all of the facilities. Guests of members (including rental guests) are permitted to use the main pool, the children’s wading pool, the tennis courts and the two docks (one of which is a boat launch). Only SRSC Members are allowed to use the fitness center and the multi-purpose room. SRSC Members who are not SPOA property owners should contact the Manager at or 252-261-3262 or stop by the swim club office for the rules and other appropriate forms.

Important SRSC Rules

  • Boats and kayaks may be launched at the boat ramp upon obtaining and returning a key from the check in area. Boat trailers must be removed from the parking lot and the grass area, they cannot be parked there for the day or evening. Members or guests may leave a small boat overnight at the SRSC using four available buoys near the boat ramp for a period of up to seven days.  Boat owners shall notify the service desk that the boat will be left overnight and provide a vessel description and contact information. The seven-day period may be renewed once for an additional seven days if there are no other requests for the buoy at that time.  Boats and kayaks may not remain overnight on SPOA property with out permission and boats may not remain tied up at the dock overnight.Boats and kayaks may not be left overnight at the dock or on land.  Jet skis, wave runners or similar personal watercraft are not allowed within Sanderling. They cannot be launched, retrieved or docked anywhere within the community.
  • Diapers of any style may not be used in the main pool. All non-toilet-trained children are to use the wading pool only. Violations of this rule are not tolerated. A “potty” accident will result in the pool facility being shut down for at least a day to return it to safe bathing conditions.
  • There are no lifeguards on duty, so swimmers do so at their own risk.
  • Children under the age of 14 must be accompanied and supervised by a responsible adult.
  • Ball playing and disruption of lap lanes (including hanging on the ropes) is not allowed.
  • Large flotation devices are not allowed. Diving is not allowed except in the 8 foot deep end.
  • Alcohol and the use of glass containers are prohibited.

Sanderling Racquet & Swim Club Information and Rules


The following rules and regulations have been adopted by the Board of Directors of SPOA and SRSC to ensure proper, safe and cost-effective use of the SRSC (to include multipurpose room, kitchen, bathrooms and fitness center).


1578 Duck Road – on the sound side of Duck Road (NC Rt. 12), north of Sanderling Resort Spa. Access is from Duck Road. Parking on-site is limited. Families are requested to come in one vehicle when possible; walking and biking to the Club are encouraged. Phone number: 252-261-3262.


The 2025 in-season pool schedule is May 19th through October 13th. Hours for swimming (weather permitting) are 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. The tennis courts, north pier and boat ramp are open from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm.


Entrance to the pool and tennis court area for non-Members is by pass only.  Rental guests of SRSC Members are issued weekly passes when they present Introduction cards signed by the rental agent. SRSC Members who loan their home to friends or relatives who have not been designated as authorized users must contact the SRSC manager prior to gust arrival. Guest passes will be created and held at the front window. Owner guest cards are valid for one week. Guests must show their cards and sign in at the Club Office (pool check-in window) on each visit to the pool and/or tennis courts.

The following rules have been instituted due to governmental regulations and/or the Club management’s concern for the safe enjoyment of the Club facilities by SRSC Members and guests.

General Rules

  1. The SRSC is accessible to SRSC Members in good standing.
  2. SRSC use by eligible non-SRSC members – Palmer’s Island, Sanderling Homes Association and Salt House residents who have elected to either terminate their membership or who choose not to join SRSC are prohibited from using the SRSC facilities, including the multipurpose room, fitness center, pool, tennis courts, piers and docks. They are also not eligible to attend any SRSC Member function.
  3. SRSC Members are not to enter the check-in room.
  4. The SRSC is an entirely non-smoking facility, including exterior areas surrounding the facility and parking lot. There are no areas for smoking on the SRSC premises.
  5. No swimsuits are allowed in the building, including multipurpose or fitness room, with exception of the pool restrooms.
  6. Cell phone usage is restricted to the parking lot.
  7. Children under the age of 14 may not use the MP room and the pool unsupervised.
  8. Children under the age of 16 may not use the fitness center.
  9. No bicycles, skateboards, rollerblades, etc. are permitted inside the SRSC. Skateboards and rollerblades are not allowed in the parking lot or on stairs and ramps. Bicycles must be parked in provided stands, not on ramps, or leaning against the building or light stands.
  10. Animals of any kind are prohibited unless they provide assistance to disabled persons.
  11. Placement of signs, banners, charts or other devices on the walls is prohibited.
  12. Absolutely no glass to be used in the pool, bathroom and fitness areas, including but not limited to beverage/liquor containers, lanterns, and glass in centerpieces.
  13. The Kitchen facility is to be used for warming food only; no preparation of food is allowed. Special care must be taken with all surfaces and appliances.

Pool Area Rules

  2. NO DIAPERS OR SWIM DIAPERS OF ANY KIND ALLOWED IN THE MAIN POOL. Non-toilet-trained children are restricted to the wading pool and MUST WEAR DIAPERS AND TIGHT-FITTING plastic pants under their swimsuits.
  3. Use of the wading pool is limited to children six years of age and under. A responsible adult must attend children using the wading pool at all times. NO LIFEGUARD ON DUTY IN THE WADING POOL.
  4. Children under age 14 must be accompanied and supervised by a responsible adult.
  5. Showers must be taken before entering pool. Outdoor showers are located at the south end of the building.
  6. Individuals with injuries, bandages, skin abrasions or disorders, open wounds, sores, or infections are not permitted in the pool.
  7. No glass of any kind is permitted in the pool or deck areas.
  8. Alcoholic beverages are prohibited.
  9. Bathers must wear proper attire – swimsuits only. Cut-off shorts, etc. are prohibited.
  10. No one, including adults, should swim alone.
  11. Children will not be allowed in water over their shoulder unless accompanied by a responsible adult on a one-to-one basis unless they can demonstrate their ability to swim the width of the pool and handle themselves well in deep water.
  12. Lap lanes are for lap swimming only.
  13. Do not hang on lane lines.
  14. Running and rough play are not permitted in the pool area.
  15. No diving or “cannonballs” in the No Diving areas. Diving is permitted in the 8-foot-deep area only.
  16. Rafts and other large floating devices are not permitted.
  17. Throwing objects is not allowed.
  18. No food or beverage is permitted in the pools.
  19. Please put all trash in the proper receptacles.
  20. The use of the pool furniture is on a first-come, first-served basis. Please be considerate of others.



The Club tennis courts are located south of the main pool. Access is through the pool area.


Schedule court time at the Club Office. Members and Authorized Users as defined may reserve court time up to three days in advance. Guests may reserve court time up to one day in advance. Scheduled court time is limited to one hour per day per house.


There is no fee for SRSC Members. The Guest rate is $25 per hour per court.

  1. Appropriate attire and tennis shoes are required.
  2. SRSC Members and guests must register at the pool check-in window before play, at which time guest passes must be presented.
  3. Court time will be assigned on a reservation basis as set forth above.
  4. Court reservations may be cancelled to allow others to play if players arrive later than 10 minutes after scheduled time.
  5. Any players who desire to continue playing after their time expires must report to the Club Office to determine if the court is available.
  6. No sport or activity other than tennis may be played on the tennis courts.
  7. Persons not involved in tennis play must remain outside the fenced area.

Fitness Center – Rules and Information in Members section

Boat Ramp


North end of Sanderling Racquet and Swim Club parking lot.

  1. Key must be picked up at the pool check-in window.
  2. SRSC Members must sign in with their lot number and guests must present pass cards at time of key pickup.
  3. Immediately after launching and recovery, the chain must be re-locked and the key returned to the check-in window.
  4. After launching, trailers must be returned to the cottage. Trailers cannot be parked behind the chain, on the parking lot or on the grass.
  5. After recovery, trailers and boats must be returned to the cottage and parked under the cottage or in the driveway. No boats or trailers may be left in the SRSC parking lot.
  6. Members or guests may leave a small boat overnight at the SRSC using four available buoys near the boat ramp for a period of up to seven days.  Boat owners shall notify the service desk that the boat will be left overnight and provide a vessel description and contact information. The seven-day period may be renewed once for an additional seven days if there are no other requests for the buoy at that time.  Boats and kayaks may not remain overnight on SPOA property without permission and boats may not remain tied up at the dock overnight.